Dad, Coach, Distance Runner, RPIC

  • Professional Aerial UAS Operations

    Greetings. My name is Sean. Founded in 2021, Kentucky UAS is dedicated to providing outstanding aerial photography and videography services.

    From aerial mapping of roads to monitoring crops, photos of real estate or videography of special events, we approach every project as a unique opportunity to earn your business.

    Contact me directly to discuss your business needs — free initial consultation.

  • FAA and Industry Certified

    Why you should care about certification? If you are hiring a drone pilot for any commercial reason, including farming, they are legally required to be certified by the FAA.

    Part 107 Certification means that the pilot has demonstrated an understanding of the FAA airspace regulations, operating requirements, weather analysis and procedures for safely flying drones.

    A copy of my FAA Part 107 license and certification number, applicable FAA waivers, and $1M liability insurance policy will be provided to clients.

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