Aerial Inspections for Business
Once solar sites are constructed and brought online, they are inspected using both RGB and Thermal drones to ensure the site is functioning properly.
Attention to detail and critical thinking are essentials for this work.
Our Thermal Certified (L1+) solar inspections and mapping missions are flown in optimal conditions.
There are many use cases for aerial drone inspections in construction. We offer a range of services, including:
• Site Progression Videos
• RTK Enterprise Mapping
• Thermal Mapping & Inspection
• 3D Models & Point Clouds
• 360° Virtual Walk & Flythrough
• Insurance Photography -
Emmisivity. Reflectivity. Delta. Moisture. Wind. Active furnaces. Industrial plant mapping is no simple task.
Kentucky UAS plans the mission by considering and mitigating all risks, creates visual and Enterprise thermal mapping inspection flights, and by conducting the day and night missions across the facilities.
Conducting a proper roof inspection means understanding and covering all the angles. It also requires attention to detail, as pilots must often fly at least portions of these missions manually, avoiding wires and obstacles.